Midterm Exam

Finding Mid-term Exam in BSF??.. I am one of the students here in technical dept.at Bataan School of Fisheries.. I find that the mid-term exam here is difficult.Our mid-term in CO112 is multiple choice and we have an interview.In an interview there is a 12 questions,so,I only got 3 while on multiple choice. In CO113,our mid-term is multiple choice.........Hindi ko nga alam kung ilan ako lahat lahat sa mid-term ehhh...hehehe

f!nD!ng m!Dterm exAm..

Finding Mid-Term Exam?
To be honest our Mid-Term exam is very difficult for me because my notes is not complete.
our oral interview in our mid-term exam is very difficult also because im not ready for the question of our teacher. i felt so nervous because i do not know if my answer is correct, or wrong. sometimes my answer is correct, but the time is not enough to answer the questions left. i did my best to understand all the lessons. i want to answer all his questions, but i had a mental block..

....story of mid-term exam....

I'm studying at B.S.F as a technical student.I know now that the mid-term exam here was not so easy.Our exam in CO112 is multiple choice and we an interview.It is my first time to encounter an interview as a part of my exam.In CO113 is also written exam.or multiple choice,I did not answer some of the question because i did not review later.Some of the questions are difficult and it involves to the history of the arpanet.Our proffesor was not give an easy exam,uhmm i think he is a smart person also in computer subject.He is my idol in teaching in computer because he know all the secret in the computer.hehe,IDOL!!!

Finding Mid-term Exam in BSF??...

Finding Mid-term Exam in BSF??.. I am one of the students here in technical dept.at Bataan School of Fisheries.. Finding our midterm exam in computer subject?? I find it so difficult especially when you did not reveiw your notes..first part of our exam is written..the second is oral interveiw..When the tym comes of our interveiw im so nervous..its my first time to experience an oral interveiw ..Our instructor have there own way in giving thier exams..

mid-term exam

for me mid-term exam difficult neather harder or easy if you just review your notes you will find it easy,like teacher in Co 113 he gave us an interview as a part of an mid-term exam,I answered some of the question correctly but not answered some of the other question its because of
mental black ha'' ha''eh'' eh''.

Midterm examination

I found our teacher here was so great, and hard working. They don’t leave us and of course the lessons until we don’t understand it. Our teachers have there on way in giving their exams. I found it not too difficult. Like our teacher in CO113, he gave us an interview as a part of our midterm exam. I did not expect it, I feel so nervous for that. But I found it, that it was not so difficult to answer that interview. He gave it based on our lessons.

Midterm examination

I am a college student at Bataan School of Fisheries. I take 1-year course of PC Operation. In my course, there’s only a few subject but it was ok! The important is I learn more here. And I found great teachers at BSF and I’m proud of them because they do their best to teach us. They don’t leave their topics until we don’t get it or understand it. They will explain carefully and clearly all topics. So if the time of examination will come, we will answer the questions. Our teachers have different way to give their exams. Like our midterm exam in CO113, our professor gave an interview as a part of an exam. This is my first time to encounter that, but it was a great experience. Actually, it was not too hard to answer that questions.. Its up to you.. If you read your notes, and listened carefully to your teacher while he was discussing, you will answer their questions. And of course if you will follow and understand the instructions when he gave a case problem, you will answer it easily. Because he gave that interview based on what he discussed.

Mid-term Examination

Finding mid-term exam in CO112? Midterm is just a simple exam giving by our professor in computer subject but it is also difficult when it comes from interview. There are some question prepared for this, I answered some of the questions correctly but I had not answered some the other question, its bec. Of mental blocked . !!!~.~?All of exams was so difficult only for those individual who did not reviewed for it .

bSf Mid-Term ExamiNatiOn

fOr Me, tHe Mid-tErm eXam Here In BsF iS EasY tO AnS, bUt tHe IntErvIew Is DiffiCuLt.The ExaM HeRe Is DiffEreNt From ThE ScHool i Came.wHen The TimE oF Our inTerviEw I'm So nErvous.i Got 7 In oUr intErviEw In Co112.in co113 Our Exam Is mulTiPle Choice oNly Is DiffiCult to aNs.

mid-term exam

I'm studying at Bataan School of Fisheries. I find that the mid-term exam is difficult,our mid-term in CO112 is interview and multiple choice. When the time of our interview I felt so nervous I don' t know why, so I forgot the lesson that I reviewed. In CO113 they have 35 questions, I don' t know my score because my professor was not given the test paper yet.The questions in CO113 is multiple choice even it is multiple choice it is hard to answer, except no. 34..

"mid-term exam"

I find it in an average level. The multiple choice exam on CO112 is an easy type but the interview.. uhmm i think it wasn't easy at all, i found some difficulties in speaking in English. In CO113 I also faced some difficulties because I wasn't quite sure to my answers.... hehehe d pa daw sure un oh!!

Mid-term examination

I'm studying at B.S.F., I find that the mid-term exam here is difficult.Our mid-term in CO112 is multiple choice and we have an interview.In an interview there is a 12 questions,so,I only got 7,while on multiple choice out of 20 I got 12.In CO113,our mid-term is multiple choice again,on 35 questions,i don't know what my score because our test paper was not given already by our professor.
In CO112, I think the questions on interview is not so very easy because the other question are hard, on multiple choice my mistakes are 8, so that, for me those questions are very hard because I cant remember the other notes on my notebook.In CO113, it have 35 questions, on 35 questions I think,if I remember the #'s that are difficult,are 3,20,24 and so on...but the easiest question is only # 34.

How do you find the mid-terrm examination in computer subjects?

Giving exam in BSF? I find it very difficult even though it is a multiple choose it takes and hour to answer it and after that hard written exams we also have a interview for the second part it was very difficult because it have 12 questions to answer in your on explanation..!

Examination At BSF.

I’m studying at Bataan School of Fisheries as a Technical Student. The examination here is different from the school where I came from. Neither hard nor easy, if you just review your notes you will find it easy. Because of few units you can focus on your study on each subjects. The interview as a part of the mid term exam is a good experience. It is my first time to encounter an interview as a part of a test. Our teachers in computer subjects are good in explaining things and what things to do on our hands on. This is only my opinion I hope no one will be offended..
Thanks (-_-)

How do you find the Mid-term Examination in Computer Subjects?

I find it a little difficult. Our examination in CO112 is written exam and interview. In interview, out of 12 questions, I only got 9 correct answers. I did not answer some of the question because of “mental block”. We only have 15 minutes to answer the question. On written exam, I'm sure I got a good score. Our teacher is strict. He always walks around. I think no one attempts to cheat.

Our examination in CO113 is also written examination (multiple choice). Even if I review my notes, I did not answer some of the questions. Some of the question is not written on my notes. I thought the question involves the history of Arpanet.

But I find it easier than the examination on CO112.